πŸ“– Usage
Config: Customize Sweep using sweep.yaml

Sweep Config

You can configure Sweep by modifying the sweep.yaml file, which should be in the root directory of your repository.

After making your first Sweep issue, Sweep will make a PR to add the config file for you. If it's not there, you can create it yourself and add the following default config file:

Default content for sweep.yaml
# Sweep AI turns bugs & feature requests into code changes (https://sweep.dev)
# For details on our config file, check out our docs at https://docs.sweep.dev/usage/config
# This is the branch that Sweep will develop from and make pull requests to. Most people use 'main' or 'master' but some users also use 'dev' or 'staging'.
branch: 'main'
# By default Sweep will read the logs and outputs from your existing Github Actions. To disable this, set this to false.
gha_enabled: True
# This is the description of your project. It will be used by sweep when creating PRs. You can tell Sweep what's unique about your project, what frameworks you use, or anything else you want.
# Example:
# description: sweepai/sweep is a python project. The main api endpoints are in sweepai/api.py. Write code that adheres to PEP8.
description: ''
# This sets whether to create pull requests as drafts. If this is set to True, then all pull requests will be created as drafts and GitHub Actions will not be triggered.
draft: False
# This is a list of directories that Sweep will not be able to edit. In our example, Sweep is unable to modify the .github folder as we do not want Sweep to modify our GitHub Actions.
blocked_dirs: [".github/"]

Config Table

gha_enabledboolWhether or not to enable GitHub Actions
branchstrThe branch to run on
blocked_dirslistA list of directories to ignore
draftboolWhether or not to create PRs as drafts
descriptionstrThe description of the repository


gha_enabled: True

Possible Values: True, False

This setting determines whether or not to enable GitHub Actions. If this is set to False, then Sweep will not read the results of GitHub Actions.


branch: main

This setting determines which branch Sweep will develop from and make pull requests to.


blocked_dirs: [".github/", "other_dir"]

This setting lists all of the directories that Sweep will not be able to edit. In our example, Sweep is unable to modify the .github folder as we do not want Sweep to modify our GitHub Actions.


draft: False

Possible Values: True, False

This setting determines whether or not to create pull requests as drafts. If this is set to True, then all pull requests will be created as drafts and GitHub Actions will not be triggered.


description: "project description and standards to follow"

This setting is the description of the repository that will be passed to Sweep. Please include details that Sweep may need to understand the repository. You may also include details about standards to follow here.

Our Configuration File

This file is available here (opens in a new tab). We have pasted this file below for your convenience.

gha_enabled: True
branch: main
blocked_dirs: [".github/"]
draft: False
description: "sweepai/sweep is a python 3.10 project. The main api endpoints are in sweepai/api.py. Write code that adheres to PEP8."